It's Sunday, May 20, and I'm just reflecting on what a wonderful Mother's Day I had last week, thanks to all who spoiled me with lavish gifts and phone calls. The highlight for me was talking to all of my kids and grandkids. I made it through church without crying; last year I spent Mother's Day in Kansas and that was a real treat. I had a great time with Julie in April in Arizona. I went to my first Ikea (can you say...overwhelming?) and loved the shopping at the amazing malls there. We had fun in Scottsdale and Julie killed (or maimed) a cockroach in the kitchen of our hotel suite! Dad and I are enjoying our new buttermint green bathroom and the new tile is fun too. It may boring to all of you (if, in fact, anyone ever reads this), but it has been fun having your Dad home for more than a week. (He leaves in the morning). We are looking forward to Rand, Suzanne and Cayden's visit in just 4 weeks and 4 days, and Jeff and Kim's family and Julie visiting in July for a whole week. It will be fun to go to the Blair reunion together in Lava (that's LAUVA) Hot Springs. I LOVE watching the Cayden-Cam (hint, hint Jeff) and keeping up with your blogs. I'm now working on Thanksgiving in Kansas..... so we'll see if I can pull it off! That's POW for NOW! Love, MOM