Friday, June 29, 2007

Rand, Suzanne & Cayden came last Thursday and left on Monday and it has taken a few days for me to get over being sad. I took Rand to the airport Wed. night and hopefully will see Suz and Cayden again before they leave on Sunday. We had such a good time - Cayden has 2 speeds - fast-forward, and stop. He is either moving like crazy or asleep. But we enjoyed them at the cabin and just hanging around was fun too. Now I'm looking forward to Jeff, Kim and family and Jules coming in about 3 weeks! We will have such a good time at LAUVA!

1 comment:

Suz said...

What a great trip it has been. We had so much fun at the cabin and Cayden is going to be so sad to leave.

I love this picture of Cayden! Now you and Carl can believe me that I didn't set up that picture of Cayden under the chair.